We make life to be all about "eating, drinking and being merry." And we worry at the thought of it ceasing. We worry at the thought of not being able to keep up with the Jones'. We worry about what we will look like to others. ISN'T LIFE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THESE THINGS? We fail to LIVE because we're living for things that fail! Jesus goes on to say, look at the birds, they don't worry about these things, no, they simply live their lives and God provides for them. Look at the flowers, they're not worried about what they will look like, yet they are adorned with such beauty by God.
God wants us to experience life to the fullest. But the only way we can do that is by trusting Him. Let God be God and you can just be you. God created you and He will sustain you. He created you for a purpose so much greater than merely going through the monotonous, daily routine of existence. So STOP worrying, TRUST HIM and LIVE!!
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." -JESUS (Matthew 6:33)