30 reasons why I am relentless at reading and sharing Gods word:
1. It is God speaking to us
2. It helps us to know God
3. It helps us to know how to please God
4. It shows us how the world began
5. It shows us the meaning of life
6. It shows us our sinful tendency
7. It shows us God's plan of redemption
8. God's word is authoritative
9. God's word is inerrant
10. God's word is autonomous
11. God's word is timeless
12. God's word is historically accurate
13. God's word is archaeologically sound
14. It is good news
15. It is bad news
16. God's word teaches
17. It makes us wise
18. It convicts
19. It comforts
20. It saves
21. It corrects
22. It encourages
23. It heals
24. It transforms lives
25. It gives abundant life
26. It is good
27. It is right
28. It is truth
29. It changed (and continues to change) my life
30. It commands us to RELENTLESSLY read it, study it, memorize it, meditate on it, live by it and share it.
1. It is God speaking to us
2. It helps us to know God
3. It helps us to know how to please God
4. It shows us how the world began
5. It shows us the meaning of life
6. It shows us our sinful tendency
7. It shows us God's plan of redemption
8. God's word is authoritative
9. God's word is inerrant
10. God's word is autonomous
11. God's word is timeless
12. God's word is historically accurate
13. God's word is archaeologically sound
14. It is good news
15. It is bad news
16. God's word teaches
17. It makes us wise
18. It convicts
19. It comforts
20. It saves
21. It corrects
22. It encourages
23. It heals
24. It transforms lives
25. It gives abundant life
26. It is good
27. It is right
28. It is truth
29. It changed (and continues to change) my life
30. It commands us to RELENTLESSLY read it, study it, memorize it, meditate on it, live by it and share it.