"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
-The Apostle Paul
![]() T.G.I.M!!! Live every day to the fullest! Live like today is your last day but also the first day of something new. Take initiative! Work hard rather than hardly work! Be all that you can be! Shine! "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -The Apostle Paul
![]() My prayer for you, friends, is not that God would give you wealth. That would only distract you from the riches found in Christ. My prayer is not that God would give you health. That would only diminish the daily dependence for life that comes from Christ. My prayer for you is not for comfort or happiness or food or success. All these things can only be a blessing when Christ is placed before them all. My prayer for you, friends, is that of which the Apostle Paul prayed for his friends in Ephesus: "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better." (Ephesians 1:17) Quite often the only way we can know God better is by allowing Him to take away the things in life we cling to. Anything we seek, desire or cling to more than Christ is an idle and it is not only forbidden but will create a hindrance to knowing the true riches and blessings found in Christ. Seek Him above all other things and everything else will fall into place. Have a blessed day my friends!! Message me if you have questions or comments. ![]() Quite often we fail to experience the full affect of God's blessings because we fail to give Him the Lordship of our lives and it's the fear of the unknown that keeps us from doing so. Do we really think that we can guide our lives better than God? When we trust God and live our lives according to His word we are not only in for an adventure but we begin to experience the fullness of His goodness and power. That is what trusting God is all about. If you live on Kauai, we would love for you to join us tomorrow as we will discuss the fears we have in giving God full control of our lives and how we can get past those fears. We meet from 9:15-11am in Lihue. Message me for more details if interested. #bringingJesushome #khcn |
Pastor StephenSnippets are what pops in my head while having my daily quiet time with God. I write it down to maybe encourage, challenge or inspire others to read God's word. Please feel free to share your snippets as well. Enjoy and God bless! Archives
January 2022
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