In a world where values, morals, and laws change constantly, we can find stability and security in our unchanging God. Do you know this God? Do you know the Great I AM? Or do you merely know of the God that was passed down to you - the God who spoke to your parents and grandparents? God wants to speak TO YOU. Go to church, but better yet, READ THE BIBLE so you can know and see for yourself how awesome and real this God of the Bible is. He is the only God… the “constant” God. He is the Great I AM.
In Exodus chapter 3, God shows up to Moses in a burning bush and God called Himself "I AM." That's the name God told Moses to call Him. When relating to God, it was common to call Him "the God of our fathers," as if God no longer existed or as if God or His promises might have changed since He showed up the last time to their fathers. Well, God states it clearly "I AM who I AM," describing His eternal power and unchangeable character. God is constant. He never changes. What God liked and disliked 3000 years ago still stands today along with all His promises. Later when Jesus showed up on the scene He identified with that name. Jesus is God and claims that same eternal and unchanging character. Jesus is the Great I AM (John 8:48-59).
In a world where values, morals, and laws change constantly, we can find stability and security in our unchanging God. Do you know this God? Do you know the Great I AM? Or do you merely know of the God that was passed down to you - the God who spoke to your parents and grandparents? God wants to speak TO YOU. Go to church, but better yet, READ THE BIBLE so you can know and see for yourself how awesome and real this God of the Bible is. He is the only God… the “constant” God. He is the Great I AM.
The "gospel" is the English word we use to translate the Greek word for "Good News." The gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ is the story of what Jesus did to "save" us. Yes, we need to be saved from the wrath of God. Because God is a holy God, His holy standard cannot be manipulated. God cannot associate with sin. That means all it takes is one sin on our part to be separated in relation to a holy, pure and perfect God. But God, who is rich in mercy and loves us beyond measure, provided a way for us to escape His wrath. That's why Jesus went to the cross. He took the punishment for us. In other words, God did not just brush our sins under the carpet, a sacrifice had to be made. It's either us or Jesus. Therefore, by placing your faith in Jesus and believing that He died as the sacrificial lamb for your sins you will be forgiven once for all, reconciling the broken relationship between you and God. That is why the story of Jesus Christ IS "good news." because through Jesus we are saved from the coming wrath, securing our place in heaven. Apart from Jesus there is no good news rather judgement and condemnation. Your choice friends... choose Jesus or choose judgement. Not my judgement but God's judgment. Please think about this and message me if you have questions. People have become lovers of God's blessings more than lovers of God. We have grown to love the messages of joy, hope and prosperity while neglecting the commands and the "meatier" and more "boring" doctrines of the Bible. Little do we know it's the understanding of God's word in its entirety that brings on the comfort, assurance, hope and peace that God has for us. Left to itself, messages of joy, hope and prosperity become nothing more than idol worship. Are you feeling like there's something missing in life? Are you feeling like your walk with God needs a little energy boost? When you read the Bible do you understand what it is saying or is it all boring to you? The vision of Kauai House Church Network is to start Bible study groups around the island. Going to church is one thing, but its the Bible that transforms lives and brings excitement and passion for God. Contact me to be part of an ongoing Bible study group or if you want to start one in your home with your friends and family. We read the Bible to know God and to know truth. Apart from the Bible we have no proof of reliability and no proof of devine revelation; everything would be left to guesswork. We not only need to read the Bible, we are called to study every word to make sure whatever we hear pertaining to God matches scripture. Why do you or don't you read the Bible?
CHRISTIAN! We are called to be Salt and Light in this world. Salt, to preserve it. We preserve it by sharing and living THE TRUTH. Light, to shine in the darkness. To illuminate and dispel the dark deeds of the enemy. We are in a battle and this battle will be won on our knees. PRAY my friends! PRAY HARD!
Watch this trailer. Its about us rising up as prayer warriors, crying for our nation, our leaders, our communities, schools, businesses and families. When was the last time we got on our knees in fervent prayer? Seek God and cry out to Him. May this trailer and movie inspire us to be the force that God DESIGNED to make a DIFFERENCE in this world. WE ARE THE CHURCH! "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." -2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)
SOME FACTS ABOUT GETTING TO HEAVEN (according to the Bible): -You can't get to heaven by being good. NO ONE can be "good" enough to enter. -Not everyone will get to heaven. If everyone was to die and go to heaven, WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIFE? -Praying to Saints including Mary will not get you into heaven. -You CAN get to heaven by being SINLESS. However, there is a 100% chance if you are able to read this that you are a sinner. -The only sinless person to ever live was Jesus. That's why He conquered death and rose from the grave. -By trusting that Jesus died for your sins, your sins will be forgiven allowing you to enter heaven (simple enough). -Once you die your eternal fate is sealed. There is no purgatory "waiting cell" or praying for dead people. The decision needs to be made NOW by YOUR OWN confession rather than after you die by someone else. -The blessings don't begin after you die. The Bible says when you believe you receive the Holy Spirit who ENABLES you to live for God. Its when you live your life FOR GOD rather than yourself that the blessings flow... Heaven here and after. PRETTY AMAZING STUFF!! FRIENDS! I TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! This is BY FAR the most important decision you will ever make. All other decisions you make cannot compare to this decision. PLEASE take some time to think this through and seal your eternal destiny TODAY! GETTING TO HEAVEN IS AS EASY AS YOUR ABC's A - ADMIT you are a sinner in need of God's forgiveness (Romans 3:23, 6:23). B - BELIEVE that Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins and God raised Jesus from the grave conquering sin and death (Romans 10:9-10). C - COMMIT your life to Jesus making Him the Lord of your life (Romans 10:9; Mark 8:34). May God bless and guide your decisions. Please contact me if you have any questions. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) O LORD, we need You!! Our Nation NEEDS YOU! We call to you to heal our land, give sight to the blind and release the captives! May we be united in spirit and in truth under YOU. And may we rise up as the great nation we ONCE WERE! We take prayer out of our schools and we listen to the LOUD voices that wage war against YOU. Raise up an army Lord, that will be the Salt and Light in a dark and decaying world. An army that will get on their knees in battle. May we STAND UP for what we believe and not be swayed by the many voices of deception out there. O LORD come SWIFTLY! REVIVE us O LORD! And heal our land for YOUR glory and the future generations. AMEN!!! THERE YOU HAVE IT!! History2 (H2) channel had an episode tonight of the top 101 objects that changed the world. I was surprised by the number 1 object, but then again, I wasn't. The #1 object that changed the world, according to history channels survey is THE BIBLE! Like I said, I was surprised because I didn't think they'd acknowledge it but they did. All I know is if I look back on my life to determine the top object that changed my life it would have to be the Bible because it allows me to know God and have a relationship with Him. And He is constantly transforming me. If you're skeptical, don't be. Believe it and it will transform your life just as it has for millions of others and is still transforming lives as we speak. Not saying we're perfect but saying we have an advantage to be blessed by God Almighty, the ONE TRUE GOD, The God who created all things. Come on, give the Bible a try. You're gonna love what you find!! Message me if you have any questions. God bless!! It's one thing to have faith in God and another to have faith in the Bible. Without the Bible all we have is mere speculation built off of human thought and philosophy pertaining to God. The Bible shows us that we are all sinners separated from God. Other writings say we are all inherently good people deserving good. The Bible shows us God's plan to reconcile with mankind. All other writings show us man's plan to connect with God. The study of religion falls under anthropology because when studying religion you study the different cultures and the way they perceive to connect with their god. Christianity is unique in the sense that God provides the way to connect with Himself. It crosses all barriers, cultures, time and space. Its ALL about God. God holds the keys. There is no guessing, no speculation and no philosophical thinking, just plain and simple faith in what the Bible says. That is what sets Christianity apart from religion. And that is why the Bible is to be checked out, treasured and treated as the divinely inspired and authoritative word of God given by God for God. Stop guessing how to connect with God. Its clearly explained in the Bible. Connect with Him today. Contact me if you need a Bible or you have any questions. To ALL the mom's out there... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! Maybe not everyone reading this is a mom but EVERYONE HAS A MOM. Today is the day to thank ALL mom's and treat them special. It's so crazy because a mom devotes her life to her children and all we give them is ONE day to celebrate what they mean to us. A mom will lay down her life for her offspring. You see that in the animal kingdom and you see that in humanity. NO love on earth can compare to a mother's love yet quite often thats the very love we turn against and from to go looking for love. I want to encourage everyone to call your mom's today and thank them for all they've done, after all, I wouldn't be writing and you wouldn't be reading this if it wasn't for our mom's. May God bless all the mom's, mom's to be and hanai mom's out there. May you feel appreciated and loved. |
Pastor StephenSnippets are what pops in my head while having my daily quiet time with God. I write it down to maybe encourage, challenge or inspire others to read God's word. Please feel free to share your snippets as well. Enjoy and God bless! Archives
January 2022
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