History2 (H2) channel had an episode tonight of the top 101 objects that changed the world. I was surprised by the number 1 object, but then again, I wasn't. The #1 object that changed the world, according to history channels survey is THE BIBLE! Like I said, I was surprised because I didn't think they'd acknowledge it but they did.
All I know is if I look back on my life to determine the top object that changed my life it would have to be the Bible because it allows me to know God and have a relationship with Him. And He is constantly transforming me. If you're skeptical, don't be. Believe it and it will transform your life just as it has for millions of others and is still transforming lives as we speak. Not saying we're perfect but saying we have an advantage to be blessed by God Almighty, the ONE TRUE GOD, The God who created all things.
Come on, give the Bible a try. You're gonna love what you find!! Message me if you have any questions. God bless!!
History2 (H2) channel had an episode tonight of the top 101 objects that changed the world. I was surprised by the number 1 object, but then again, I wasn't. The #1 object that changed the world, according to history channels survey is THE BIBLE! Like I said, I was surprised because I didn't think they'd acknowledge it but they did.
All I know is if I look back on my life to determine the top object that changed my life it would have to be the Bible because it allows me to know God and have a relationship with Him. And He is constantly transforming me. If you're skeptical, don't be. Believe it and it will transform your life just as it has for millions of others and is still transforming lives as we speak. Not saying we're perfect but saying we have an advantage to be blessed by God Almighty, the ONE TRUE GOD, The God who created all things.
Come on, give the Bible a try. You're gonna love what you find!! Message me if you have any questions. God bless!!