SOME FACTS ABOUT GETTING TO HEAVEN (according to the Bible):
-You can't get to heaven by being good. NO ONE can be "good" enough to enter.
-Not everyone will get to heaven. If everyone was to die and go to heaven, WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIFE?
-Praying to Saints including Mary will not get you into heaven.
-You CAN get to heaven by being SINLESS. However, there is a 100% chance if you are able to read this that you are a sinner.
-The only sinless person to ever live was Jesus. That's why He conquered death and rose from the grave.
-By trusting that Jesus died for your sins, your sins will be forgiven allowing you to enter heaven (simple enough).
-Once you die your eternal fate is sealed. There is no purgatory "waiting cell" or praying for dead people. The decision needs to be made NOW by YOUR OWN confession rather than after you die by someone else.
-The blessings don't begin after you die. The Bible says when you believe you receive the Holy Spirit who ENABLES you to live for God. Its when you live your life FOR GOD rather than yourself that the blessings flow... Heaven here and after. PRETTY AMAZING STUFF!!
FRIENDS! I TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! This is BY FAR the most important decision you will ever make. All other decisions you make cannot compare to this decision. PLEASE take some time to think this through and seal your eternal destiny TODAY!
A - ADMIT you are a sinner in need of God's forgiveness (Romans 3:23, 6:23).
B - BELIEVE that Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins and God raised Jesus from the grave conquering sin and death (Romans 10:9-10).
C - COMMIT your life to Jesus making Him the Lord of your life (Romans 10:9; Mark 8:34).
May God bless and guide your decisions. Please contact me if you have any questions.
-You can't get to heaven by being good. NO ONE can be "good" enough to enter.
-Not everyone will get to heaven. If everyone was to die and go to heaven, WHAT'S THE POINT OF LIFE?
-Praying to Saints including Mary will not get you into heaven.
-You CAN get to heaven by being SINLESS. However, there is a 100% chance if you are able to read this that you are a sinner.
-The only sinless person to ever live was Jesus. That's why He conquered death and rose from the grave.
-By trusting that Jesus died for your sins, your sins will be forgiven allowing you to enter heaven (simple enough).
-Once you die your eternal fate is sealed. There is no purgatory "waiting cell" or praying for dead people. The decision needs to be made NOW by YOUR OWN confession rather than after you die by someone else.
-The blessings don't begin after you die. The Bible says when you believe you receive the Holy Spirit who ENABLES you to live for God. Its when you live your life FOR GOD rather than yourself that the blessings flow... Heaven here and after. PRETTY AMAZING STUFF!!
FRIENDS! I TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY! This is BY FAR the most important decision you will ever make. All other decisions you make cannot compare to this decision. PLEASE take some time to think this through and seal your eternal destiny TODAY!
A - ADMIT you are a sinner in need of God's forgiveness (Romans 3:23, 6:23).
B - BELIEVE that Jesus died for the forgiveness of your sins and God raised Jesus from the grave conquering sin and death (Romans 10:9-10).
C - COMMIT your life to Jesus making Him the Lord of your life (Romans 10:9; Mark 8:34).
May God bless and guide your decisions. Please contact me if you have any questions.