"Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life." (1 Timothy 6:18-19)
How's your eternal treasure chest looking? The ongoing folly is to live for this world. In the process of doing so we may gain something while here but we forfeit eternity. God's word tells us to be generous with our time, talents and treasures and if we do it for His sake we gain treasures in heaven. Our treasures on earth can be taken from us at anytime, while our treasures in heaven will be stored up for us for eternity. In the former process we slave away to gain that which we cannot keep. In the latter process we gain treasures in heaven and gain the added bonus of finding true LIFE on earth, which is the greatest treasure one can find.
How's your eternal treasure chest looking? The ongoing folly is to live for this world. In the process of doing so we may gain something while here but we forfeit eternity. God's word tells us to be generous with our time, talents and treasures and if we do it for His sake we gain treasures in heaven. Our treasures on earth can be taken from us at anytime, while our treasures in heaven will be stored up for us for eternity. In the former process we slave away to gain that which we cannot keep. In the latter process we gain treasures in heaven and gain the added bonus of finding true LIFE on earth, which is the greatest treasure one can find.