True blessings are not wealth, health, success and the likes. True blessings are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are known as the Fruit of the Spirit. When you truly place your faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit (God, the third person of the Trinity) comes into you, taking up residence in you. So these virtues are the natural fruit of the Spirit which lives in you when you believe. When you live by faith in Jesus, there is peace, there is joy, there is love. When you live by faith in Jesus, your outlook on life changes. When you live by faith in Jesus you let Him take the lead. You may not be rich, popular or successful in the world's eyes, but you will have peace, love, joy and all the things that money can't buy. That's the true blessing and you can have it right now. All you have to do is place your faith in Jesus. Give Him the reins, make Him the Lord of your life and be amazed by the awesome fruit that will come from it.