A professing Christian that believes in many ways to heaven apart from Jesus, is not a Christian. "Many ways to heaven" falls under philosophy not Christianity. What makes a person a Christian is believing that Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins because our sins separate us from God. Without Jesus, the wrath of God awaits every individual. The wrath of God is the eternal punishment for our sins, which is the deliberate rebellion against God and His ways. We can deny that and take our chances or we can believe it and be saved. The Bible clearly shows us God's plan for the redemption of man. There are NO other writings so profound, so historically and archaeologically sound and so life impacting as the Bible. This week is known as passion week. This is the week Jesus went to the cross. If there are many ways to heaven then what's so great about the cross? The cross is great because that's where Jesus took the punishment for my sins and your sins and now there is forgiveness when we place our faith in Him. Without Jesus no one would be saved and no one could be in a relationship with God. <><