"But people who long to be rich soon begin to do all kinds of wrong things to get money, things that hurt them and make them evil-minded and finally send them to hell itself. For the love of money is the first step toward all kinds of sin. Some people have even turned away from God because of their love for it, and as a result have pierced themselves with many sorrows." -1 Timothy 6:9-10 (Living Bible)
Money is not bad. We all need money. It's what we do with our money, how we get it, accumulate it and handle it that can be bad. As these verses say, it's the LOVE of money that creates the problems. Many turn from God in their pursuit for money. That's why when Jesus said you cannot serve two masters for you will love one more than the other... He was talking about money (Matthew 6:24). If we believe in the God of the Bible then money should have no hold on us for we know that God brought us into the world; it is He who has given us the ability to make money, and it is He who is providing for us. The Bible also tells us, "If a man does not work he shall not eat" (2 Thessalonians 3:10). So we work to eat and we trust God for all of it. With God we learn to be content for He is our God not money. He is our provider and it is He Who gives us health, abilities and a brain to make wise choices. When we turn to God as our Master rather than money then we will truly experience the rich and abundant life God has planned for us through Jesus (John 10:10). But all of this takes faith and a consistent walk with the Master. As you continue to walk by faith in Him it gets easier and easier for contentment to take root. Seek Him today as your Master; read His words of promise and hope and experience the true joy and satisfaction He has planned for you through Jesus. <><
Money is not bad. We all need money. It's what we do with our money, how we get it, accumulate it and handle it that can be bad. As these verses say, it's the LOVE of money that creates the problems. Many turn from God in their pursuit for money. That's why when Jesus said you cannot serve two masters for you will love one more than the other... He was talking about money (Matthew 6:24). If we believe in the God of the Bible then money should have no hold on us for we know that God brought us into the world; it is He who has given us the ability to make money, and it is He who is providing for us. The Bible also tells us, "If a man does not work he shall not eat" (2 Thessalonians 3:10). So we work to eat and we trust God for all of it. With God we learn to be content for He is our God not money. He is our provider and it is He Who gives us health, abilities and a brain to make wise choices. When we turn to God as our Master rather than money then we will truly experience the rich and abundant life God has planned for us through Jesus (John 10:10). But all of this takes faith and a consistent walk with the Master. As you continue to walk by faith in Him it gets easier and easier for contentment to take root. Seek Him today as your Master; read His words of promise and hope and experience the true joy and satisfaction He has planned for you through Jesus. <><