In a day and age where people are fascinated with ghosts and especially during this time of year with Halloween approaching, I felt it would be appropriate, as the church, to talk about the HOLY GHOST. Another term used to describe this would be the "Holy Spirit". Through the Holy Spirit we receive power (Acts 1:8). Through the Holy Spirit we receive an abundant AND eternal life (Jn 6:63). Through the Holy Spirit we are able to understand the deep things of God along with all spiritual truths (1 Co 2:10-14). Through the Holy Spirit we have a counselor/helper/friend with us at all times (Jn 14:16-17). Through the Holy Spirit we are convicted (become aware) of sin (Jn 16:8). Through the Holy Spirit we are made right with God (1 Co 6:11).
Friends, whats up with all the talk about ghosts when the Holy Ghost is never mentioned? It's almost forbidden to speak of the Holy Ghost while speaking of every other ghost and evil under the sun.
If you live on Kauai, I encourage you to join us for church tomorrow where we will talk about the abundant power and blessings that flow unto us through the Holy Spirit. Message me if you want to join us and I will send you the address. We meet from 9:15-11am on Sunday mornings in Lihue. May God bless you and give you a hunger for more of Him.
#bringingJesushome #khcn
Friends, whats up with all the talk about ghosts when the Holy Ghost is never mentioned? It's almost forbidden to speak of the Holy Ghost while speaking of every other ghost and evil under the sun.
If you live on Kauai, I encourage you to join us for church tomorrow where we will talk about the abundant power and blessings that flow unto us through the Holy Spirit. Message me if you want to join us and I will send you the address. We meet from 9:15-11am on Sunday mornings in Lihue. May God bless you and give you a hunger for more of Him.
#bringingJesushome #khcn