When riding in a plane we are warned, in case of an emergency that the parent should put the oxygen mask on themselves before they put it on their child. The parents' health is vital to their child's well-being. What good is it if the parent passes out while their child is okay. But the other way around if the child passes out the parent can assist the child.
The same goes with our walk with God. It is vital for the child's well-being that the parents are first connected to the life-source of Christ. That way they can assist their children. Instead we have parents who are trying to assist their children through life without the life-giving "oxygen" of Christ and everyone ends up falling short.
Friends I encourage you to put on Christ daily so you can not only save yourselves but then you can assist those around you who are perishing.
"Remain in me and I will remain in you. Apart from me you can do nothing." -JESUS (John 15)
#bringingJesushome #khcn
The same goes with our walk with God. It is vital for the child's well-being that the parents are first connected to the life-source of Christ. That way they can assist their children. Instead we have parents who are trying to assist their children through life without the life-giving "oxygen" of Christ and everyone ends up falling short.
Friends I encourage you to put on Christ daily so you can not only save yourselves but then you can assist those around you who are perishing.
"Remain in me and I will remain in you. Apart from me you can do nothing." -JESUS (John 15)
#bringingJesushome #khcn