Have you ever been faced with a circumstance that seemed impossible to overcome? Maybe you’re going through one right now. When you measure the size of the problem compared to your time, strength and resources you feel there’s no way you’ll be able to get through this one.
Well, rest assured, we've all been there and felt like that. I know for me, it's the stories in the Bible that reminds me of God's power and victory. In this situation the story of Gideon comes to mind.
Gideon’s story can be found in Judges 6-7, but let me summarize Gideon’s amazing victory. Gideon was one of the judges God used to wipe out the Midianites who were oppressing Israel. There were so many Midianites that they couldn’t count them all. They were so oppressive that the Israelites hid in caves. They stole their crops, their sheep, cattle, and donkeys and invaded their land. God's plan was to use Gideon to save Israel from their oppressors. But Gideon doubted that God could use him to do anything let alone rescue Israel from the powerful Midianites. So Gideon tested God. Gideon placed a fleece out at night on the ground and challenged God to prove Himself by only allowing the fleece to be wet and not the ground around it. So that night God did what Gideon asked. The next day Gideon still doubted so he told God this time make all the ground wet but not the fleece. God, once again, did what Gideon asked. So Gideon tested God and God passed the test. Sounds absurd doesn’t it? Well, I think there’s a little Gideon in every one of us, whether we’d like to admit it or not.
But wait, that’s not the end of the story. Gideon finally agrees to lead his men to battle. Gideon musters up his fighters to a total of 32,000 men. But God told Gideon, sorry I can’t let you go to battle with all those men because then you’ll say you won the battle by your own strength. So Gideon tells the men whoever wants to go home can leave. At that point 22,000 men left, leaving Gideon with 10,000 fighting men. Gideon’s like… OKAY, now we’re ready for the battle! But the Lord says, sorry, you still have too many. Long story short, God dwindled Gideon’s army down to 300 men, then Gideon went to battle and he won.
In this Biblical account we see how God gave Gideon the resources, a plan and the victory and through it all God received ALL the glory and honor. God will often allow us to be in those situations where it seems as though this battle or trial we’re facing will surely do us in. But don’t sweat it! Even when such great odds are against you, know that God is always in control. Just remember, the story of Gideon who overcame a vast army with only 300 fighting men (and God). But even if he had only ten men and God, I’m sure Gideon still would have won the victory.
What about you? What are you going through today? Stop depending on your mere strength, intellect and resources to fight these battles. Instead, trust in the Lord, seek His plan, call on His name and watch HIM WORK through you. May you be victorious in all you do but don’t’ forget to give God the glory when it’s over.
Well, rest assured, we've all been there and felt like that. I know for me, it's the stories in the Bible that reminds me of God's power and victory. In this situation the story of Gideon comes to mind.
Gideon’s story can be found in Judges 6-7, but let me summarize Gideon’s amazing victory. Gideon was one of the judges God used to wipe out the Midianites who were oppressing Israel. There were so many Midianites that they couldn’t count them all. They were so oppressive that the Israelites hid in caves. They stole their crops, their sheep, cattle, and donkeys and invaded their land. God's plan was to use Gideon to save Israel from their oppressors. But Gideon doubted that God could use him to do anything let alone rescue Israel from the powerful Midianites. So Gideon tested God. Gideon placed a fleece out at night on the ground and challenged God to prove Himself by only allowing the fleece to be wet and not the ground around it. So that night God did what Gideon asked. The next day Gideon still doubted so he told God this time make all the ground wet but not the fleece. God, once again, did what Gideon asked. So Gideon tested God and God passed the test. Sounds absurd doesn’t it? Well, I think there’s a little Gideon in every one of us, whether we’d like to admit it or not.
But wait, that’s not the end of the story. Gideon finally agrees to lead his men to battle. Gideon musters up his fighters to a total of 32,000 men. But God told Gideon, sorry I can’t let you go to battle with all those men because then you’ll say you won the battle by your own strength. So Gideon tells the men whoever wants to go home can leave. At that point 22,000 men left, leaving Gideon with 10,000 fighting men. Gideon’s like… OKAY, now we’re ready for the battle! But the Lord says, sorry, you still have too many. Long story short, God dwindled Gideon’s army down to 300 men, then Gideon went to battle and he won.
In this Biblical account we see how God gave Gideon the resources, a plan and the victory and through it all God received ALL the glory and honor. God will often allow us to be in those situations where it seems as though this battle or trial we’re facing will surely do us in. But don’t sweat it! Even when such great odds are against you, know that God is always in control. Just remember, the story of Gideon who overcame a vast army with only 300 fighting men (and God). But even if he had only ten men and God, I’m sure Gideon still would have won the victory.
What about you? What are you going through today? Stop depending on your mere strength, intellect and resources to fight these battles. Instead, trust in the Lord, seek His plan, call on His name and watch HIM WORK through you. May you be victorious in all you do but don’t’ forget to give God the glory when it’s over.