"Ohana means family. Family means, 'no one gets left behind.'”
–Lilo (from the movie Lilo and Stitch)
Our military stand by the motto “No man left behind.” While our education reform bill passed in 2002 states “No child left behind.” There are animal loving groups such as “No Dog Left Behind.” “No Cat Left Behind.” No Horse Left Behind.” Let ’s face it, NO ONE LIKES TO BE LEFT BEHIND!
“Leave no one behind” comes from the Latin, “Nemo Resideo.” The concept is almost as old as warfare itself. We see it played out through the Bible, we read about it in Greek mythology, we see it throughout history. We even see it in just about every movie we watch. It all comes back to a theme of “Good vs Evil” and justice being served. By the end of the movie, “good” prevails (unless they are planning a sequel), justice has been served and they all live happily ever after. Notice, there is always the hero figure that goes back to rescue the poor mistreated victim(s). We love that kind of movies. And Hollywood knows what we like… “No one gets left behind.”
Why is it that we can be immersed in such a strong concept, yet walk right past a person in need? Why is it that we get so caught up in our own lives that we develop tunnel vision where we can’t see anything else but our own problems? Quite often we feel like WE are the ones forgotten and left behind and WE are the ones in need of a hero to rescue us.
You and I know who our true Hero is. While the world fantasizes about being swept off their feet into a lifetime of ecstasy or slips deeper and deeper into the abyss of worry, stress and depression, we have the Hero! The true Hero is Jesus. We have Him, we know Him and we need to share Him with a lost and broken world who is searching for a hero.
That’s where the church comes in. The church is Jesus displayed… genuine believers coming together, loving one another, caring for one another and serving one another. Church is Ohana (family). Of all people, the church’s motto should always be, “No one gets left behind.” Yet even in our church, people are being left behind. Why is that? How can we change that? How can YOU change that?
Today, YOU are the hero! Jesus IN YOU will assure that. Go love someone, call someone, encourage someone, help someone, RESCUE someone. Be the hero that God created you to be in Christ. And may we always remember, NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND.
–Lilo (from the movie Lilo and Stitch)
Our military stand by the motto “No man left behind.” While our education reform bill passed in 2002 states “No child left behind.” There are animal loving groups such as “No Dog Left Behind.” “No Cat Left Behind.” No Horse Left Behind.” Let ’s face it, NO ONE LIKES TO BE LEFT BEHIND!
“Leave no one behind” comes from the Latin, “Nemo Resideo.” The concept is almost as old as warfare itself. We see it played out through the Bible, we read about it in Greek mythology, we see it throughout history. We even see it in just about every movie we watch. It all comes back to a theme of “Good vs Evil” and justice being served. By the end of the movie, “good” prevails (unless they are planning a sequel), justice has been served and they all live happily ever after. Notice, there is always the hero figure that goes back to rescue the poor mistreated victim(s). We love that kind of movies. And Hollywood knows what we like… “No one gets left behind.”
Why is it that we can be immersed in such a strong concept, yet walk right past a person in need? Why is it that we get so caught up in our own lives that we develop tunnel vision where we can’t see anything else but our own problems? Quite often we feel like WE are the ones forgotten and left behind and WE are the ones in need of a hero to rescue us.
You and I know who our true Hero is. While the world fantasizes about being swept off their feet into a lifetime of ecstasy or slips deeper and deeper into the abyss of worry, stress and depression, we have the Hero! The true Hero is Jesus. We have Him, we know Him and we need to share Him with a lost and broken world who is searching for a hero.
That’s where the church comes in. The church is Jesus displayed… genuine believers coming together, loving one another, caring for one another and serving one another. Church is Ohana (family). Of all people, the church’s motto should always be, “No one gets left behind.” Yet even in our church, people are being left behind. Why is that? How can we change that? How can YOU change that?
Today, YOU are the hero! Jesus IN YOU will assure that. Go love someone, call someone, encourage someone, help someone, RESCUE someone. Be the hero that God created you to be in Christ. And may we always remember, NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND.