"The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life." -JESUS (John 6:63)
Through God, and God alone is eternal life. No good deed or even a lifetime of good deeds will get you into heaven. Rather, eternal life is gained by trusting and obeying Christ and His word, which can only come through His Spirit living in you. Does He live in you? Do you know for sure? Be careful, the enemy is a master of disguise. Even Hitler thought he was a good person. The Bible clearly shows us we can't and won't get to heaven simply by "good works."
Go and see what this means! Don't set this aside. Search the scriptures and pray for God to reveal Himself to you. Hunger and thirst for truth and He will fill you.
Through God, and God alone is eternal life. No good deed or even a lifetime of good deeds will get you into heaven. Rather, eternal life is gained by trusting and obeying Christ and His word, which can only come through His Spirit living in you. Does He live in you? Do you know for sure? Be careful, the enemy is a master of disguise. Even Hitler thought he was a good person. The Bible clearly shows us we can't and won't get to heaven simply by "good works."
Go and see what this means! Don't set this aside. Search the scriptures and pray for God to reveal Himself to you. Hunger and thirst for truth and He will fill you.