So how did Jesus bring hope 2000 years ago when He came as a little baby? History AND the Bible shows us that Israel was under Roman rule during the time when Jesus was born. Evil King Herod oppressed the Jews with high taxes. This kept Israel as slaves in a land that was their own. On top of that, God had been silent for 400 years. The last words ringing in their ears were that spoken through the prophet Malachi on the judgement of Israel due to their turning from God's ways. Israel's oppression seemed to be evidence that God had forsaken them. Yet in the bleakness of every passing day, a faithful remnant remained, those who would not give up hope, those who knew that God would deliver Israel. Then John the baptist shows up shouting, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!" The long awaited, promised Messiah was coming.
What is holding you down today? What burdens do you carry that keeps you bound and oppressed? The promises of Jesus brings hope. These promises are more than wishful thinking. It is God telling us, "I love you so much that I sent my Son to die for you." All you have to do is believe. Read God's word for yourself. Get to know Him and claim those promises and you will soon see the hope that Jesus brings.
What is holding you down today? What burdens do you carry that keeps you bound and oppressed? The promises of Jesus brings hope. These promises are more than wishful thinking. It is God telling us, "I love you so much that I sent my Son to die for you." All you have to do is believe. Read God's word for yourself. Get to know Him and claim those promises and you will soon see the hope that Jesus brings.